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Alicia Morales

Alicia Morales is a flamenco singer from Granada, Spain. Born in 1981, she began to sing from an early age, growing up surrounded by the flamenco culture. At the age of fourteen she recorded a Flamenco / Andalusian fusion disc, which she dedicated to Granada.


She trained with great flamenco masters such as Antonio el Colorao, Luis el Zambo, Segundo Falcon and Juan Mesas. They recognized her talent, and encouraged her to pursue a career in this art form. She performed with Curo Albaicin, Andres Maya and other great artists from her homeland.


In 2010, she gained wide recognition in Diputacion, a contest for young flamenco artists, and from there she created a project called Flamenco + Flamenco, touring with it throughout Granada.


She worked with the poet Jose Luis Ortiz Nuevo and the great guitarist Miguel Ochando, in a course called De Orilla a Orilla in Morocco.


She collaborated with the musical producer Juan Mesas Mesas, in Talento, Trabajo y Sabiduría en el camino de un Genio Conference, about the great flamenco Singer Enrique Morente, and sang for Registros Sonoros de la Niña de los Peines by Cristina Cruces.


Ms. Morales traveled throughout Russia, Italy, France, and Morocco, showcasing her singing and learning about diverse cultures. She was awarded the Miguel Hernandez prize, as the young artist with the most promise in flamenco.


Alicia Morales is dedicated to the art of flamenco.  She considers flamenco singing to be her life and her dream. This is obvious to all who hear her sing.

© 2024 by Ballet Flamenco La Rosa, Inc. - Miami, Florida, USA

Phone +1 (786) 320-6982 -


These programs are made possible with the support of the City of Miami Beach Department of Tourism and Culture, The Cultural Arts Council, the Miami Beach Mayor and City Commissioners, The State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, The Mayor and The Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners, Funding Arts Network and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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